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Updates to the AP Physics 1 Curriculum

The College Board’s AP Physics 1 Course and Exam Description was updated in the fall of 2021 to reflect that the AP Physics 1 exam will no longer test what were previously units 8, 9 and 10 (electric force and field, DC circuits, and mechanical waves and sound). The College Board explained the ...


Updates to the AP Biology Curriculum

Introduction to AP Biology Revisions For the 2019-2020 academic year, CollegeBoard made several revisions to the AP Biology Course and Exam. The reasoning was that many educators had complained that the scope of Biology was too wide to fit into an AP course, so both the number ...


Thinking Ahead to SAT/ACT Preparation (As a Sophomore)

As a test prep tutor, I work with many juniors every year, and as an academic history and English tutor, I work with many sophomores. Many of my sophomore students and their parents have heard from friends and elder siblings that junior year is hectic, so they understandably want to get started ...


Private Middle & High School Admissions in 2021

Preparing for Middle and High School Applications Middle school and high school applications are still changing in light of the pandemic and distance-learning, even with a return to school in the fall, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prepare for them! We sat down with one of ...

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