AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

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What does mastering math actually do for my high school student?

As students get into Geometry, Algebra, and higher math classes, a common question arises: “when will I ever need this?” Students now often encounter challenges that go beyond simple calculations and core math skills; these higher math classes require critical thinking and problem-solving ...


Academic Spotlight: Neuroplasticity and Foreign Languages

It’s always exciting for me to meet a new student for the first time. One of the first questions I like to ask is what they like to do outside of school. First of all, I’m genuinely interested in what motivates my students outside the classroom, and second, their avocations are much more ...


What is a growth mindset?

The Power of a Growth Mindset in Learning At AJ Tutoring, we believe that success in academics is not just about talent—it's about mindset. A growth mindset, a concept championed by psychologist Carol Dweck, suggests that intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work, effective ...


Last Minute Planning? No Problem!

Is your student utilizing study skills? There is nothing like that terrible feeling when your student pulls out a crumpled piece of paper from their backpack at the last minute, informing you of a test or project that you know they haven’t touched yet. Sometimes life gets busy, or a lack of ...

Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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