Our SAT prep courses give you a college admissions advantage.
Measurable Results.
We are devoted to making measurable differences in your college prospects, starting at the beginning of your high school career. We offer the best SAT test prep courses and flexible classes to help you reach your full potential.
The Relative Importance of the SAT.
While many colleges remain test-optional, there is a continuing trend toward the most competitive elite colleges requiring the SAT. Many factors contribute to college admission prospects, including grades, standardized test scores (SAT/ACT), essays, and extracurricular activities.
Short-Term SAT Prep and Academics for Life.
Because grades are about twice as important as SAT scores, we do not advocate long-term preparation for the SAT and instead encourage our ninth-graders and sophomores to focus on academic excellence. This is the only true long-term strategy for improving SAT scores, and AJ Tutoring has an outstanding team of professional academic and SAT tutors tutors to help students achieve success in any subject.