Private school prep courses for ISEE, HSPT, & SSAT

AJ Tutoring helps students present their best self for private school admissions.


The advantage of a great ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT prep tutor!

At AJ Tutoring, we know that middle school and high school entrance exams like the ISEE, HSPT, and SSAT are important to a student’s future.

Our test prep courses are also an opportunity to pinpoint and remedy content or test-taking gaps before your student heads into middle school or high school. If your student needs more practice, we offer academic tutoring to boost math, science, reading, writing, or general study skills.

In addition to working toward a great score, preparing for the ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT is a way to boost confidence and learn valuable skills. When viewed as a challenge that can be overcome with hard work and skill-building, your student’s standardized test prep becomes a fun and challenging opportunity to develop test-taking strategies and executive skills. The right test prep can set your student up for test-taking success for years to come.

The 3 components of private middle and high school admissions prep at AJ Tutoring

ISEE, HSPT, & SSAT Tutoring

Although some private schools are no longer requiring entrance exam scores, others continue to require test scores as part of their admissions process. The ISEE, HSPT, and SSAT are challenging tests, and they’re often a younger student’s first encounter with a significant standardized test. Our tutors help students build confidence, strategy, and knowledge for high school entrance exams.

Writing Sample Prep

Every student applying for private school admissions will need to submit a timed and proctored writing sample, either as part of an entrance exam or taken separately. Our private school admissions tutors work with their students on essay organization, timing strategies, writing mechanics, and adaptable content to ensure students are prepared for their writing sample.

Interview Coaching

Interviews are an important part of the admissions process for every private school, but anxiety can get in the way of students showing their best selves. Our tutors help coach their students on private school admissions interviews, preparing them for every step of the interview process from greeting to saying goodbye and practicing answers to the types of questions interviewers might ask.


Proctored ISEE, HSPT, & ISEE practice exams are included!

Taking a high school entrance exam is often a young student’s first experience with a high-stakes standardized test. Practicing the ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT exam in a realistic environment reduces stress and improves performance. Our proctored practice exams are included in the cost of tutoring for all our ISEE, HSPT, and SSAT prep students.


AJ Tutoring is invested in your student long term.

Our tutors speak constructively with students and communicate frequently with parents. Thus, when issues arise, a collaborative basis is already established to support our ISEE, HSPT, and SSAT prep students.

No false promises. No shortcuts. Just knowledgeable and friendly educators, completely dedicated to your child’s success!


What are the major differences among the three tests?

The tests have different kinds of questions. The ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT are similar in the verbal and reading sections of the tests, but vary broadly in their quantitative sections.

The ISEE covers more advanced algebra and geometry than the SSAT does. The ISEE also includes a Quantitative Comparison section that is not present in the SSAT. This Quantitative Comparison section can be one of the ISEE’s most challenging portions.

Many students comment that the HSPT is easier than the ISEE and the SSAT; however, it is faster-paced and places a greater emphasis on percentages and sequences in the quantitative section, and it includes an additional Language Skills portion that is not present on the other exams.

What do the scores mean?

The ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT scores compare your student’s performance against that of other students applying to private schools. This is a competitive group of test-takers, so percentiles may be lower than those on previous standardized tests the student has taken at school.

Each section of the test (ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT) will be given a raw score, scaled score, and percentile rank, and ISEE and HSPT scores are given stanine ranks.

We’d be happy to help you make sense of your score report. Call or email one of our directors with the score report so that we can take a closer look at the types of questions missed and help recommend a test preparation plan.

How important are ISEE, SSAT, or HSPT exam scores to the admission process?

It is hard to say exactly how big a role these scores play in application decisions. Each school uses the exam scores differently, and there are many factors involved in admissions decisions, including grades, application essays, interviews, and school visits.

What is a good ISEE, HSPT, or SSAT score?

Keep in mind that these scores compare your student to a highly competitive group. Only a small fraction of students sit for private high school placement exams.

Percentiles of 75-99/stanines of 7-9 are generally considered “above average” and will be seen as very strong scores.

Percentiles of 25-75/stanines 4-6 are considered “average,” and should not prevent a student from gaining admission.

Percentiles of 1-25 / stanines 1-3 are considered “below average” and may raise questions about whether the school would be a good fit for the student.

Remember: Schools are primarily focused on finding great students to fit within their school culture. Whether a student and school will be a good match depends on many factors, and we have seen students with lower than average scores gain admission to highly competitive schools.

What is a stanine?

A stanine is another way of ranking percentiles.

Percentile Stanine
1-3 1
4-10 2
11-22 3
23-39 4
40-59 5
60-76 6
77-88 7
89-95 8
96-99 9

If you score in the 98th percentile, for instance, you’d receive a 9 stanine score.


Did you know that you can retake the ISEE and SSAT?

As of August 2018, a student may now take the ISEE exam more than once. This reduces young students’ anxiety, reduces the score variability induced by a single testing environment, and gives you a better idea of what schools may be a good match for your student.

Each exam has its own rules about multiple testing.


A student may take the ISEE once in each of the following four-month windows:

  • Fall: August-November
  • Winter: December-January
  • Spring/Summer: April-July


The SSAT is offered 8 times each year. A student can sit for as many test dates as he or she likes.


The HSPT may be taken again at the discretion of the individual school where a student is applying.

Our recommendation:

At the beginning of the process, sign up for the HSPT twice: first in November and then in January. Then, if your student scores well the first time, you can cancel the later date and HSPT tutoring sessions. Register early to guarantee your child a seat at a convenient location.

Say hello to a better way to prepare for your ISEE, HSPT, and SSAT private school entrance exams.

We're here to help you master private school test-taking strategies and the core content on these exams.