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I graduated from UC Davis two years early with a 3.89 GPA and a math degree. I took precalculus as a freshman in high school and participated in math competitions. In school, I also dealt with severe mental health challenges, loneliness, the pandemic, relationships, and everything else human do. To be honest, the reason I graduated from high school and college early was because I couldn’t stand being in school!

As an educator, I recognize that every student has a variety of individual struggles they carry with them in addition to the academic. My job as a tutor is to make my students’ lives easier. Most students hate or struggle with math, and though I love math, I know it isn’t for everyone. I want to help my students understand this subject so it is one less struggle to carry around with them. I actually don’t think it’s necessary to love, or even like, math to be successful in it. Hopefully, though, I can teach some cool stuff along the way!

My experience includes a teaching internship in Norfolk, Virginia and instruction at a charter school in Harlem. These experiences have reinforced my conviction in my own teaching philosophy. I approach every session with the knowledge that every student is a unique human with different needs, wants, dreams, and hardships. This is also why I transitioned from classroom teaching to tutoring; 1-on-1 instruction allows me to take all of these personal idiosyncrasies into account.

Outside of teaching, I love music. I’ve sung for seven years and have participated in both choir and acapella. Currently, I’m learning piano and guitar. I am enthusiastic about making my own music! I also did stand-up in college; I opened one of my sets by taking off my mask and spitting a bunch of coins on the ground to thunderous applause. In addition, I enjoy climbing, cooking, and gaming. I am also passionate about learning about what my students are interested in!

Happy Parents and Students

"An amazing teacher. He's very quick, organized, and helps explain questions in a way that is easy for any student to comprehend."