AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources

Latin, The Most Underrated Foreign Language

I have often talked to students about which language they should take for their foreign language elective. Statistics show that about 70% of high school students decide to take either French or Spanish. These are some great languages with very developed curricula, and their real life ...


Are You Ready to Unlock Your Future?

Many people hear the phrase tutoring and picture juniors gathered around workbooks preparing for their SAT’s, or middle school students working out basic algebraic equations with their tutor correcting their work. While all of those scenarios are true to the AJ experience, there is so much ...


Educational Link Round-Up 14

Feeling stuck and unsure where to turn? Not even sure what questions to ask? Don’t worry! AJ Tutoring has you covered with some of our favorite resources to turn to when you need information! Why Is Taking the SAT and ACT Still Important? “Even “score optional” schools ...


The ACT is Just Around the Corner!

Fall testing season is beginning! The ACT, PSAT, and SAT are all just around the corner. With so many students still getting used to standardized testing again post-COVID, these tests may seem daunting! Tutoring can provide an enormous advantage by teaching students how to maintain focus, manage ...

Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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