AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources

Have You Heard About Cypress College Prep?

Maybe you’ve heard about the newest private high school in the area, or maybe this is the first you’ve heard of it, either way…welcome! Cypress College Prep, a full-time school, builds on AJ Tutoring’s 19 years of success. For two decades we’ve helped students unlock their academic ...


Common vs. Coalition: Making Sense of College Applications

Two words that send numerous highschool seniors, and their parents, into a panicked frenzy: college applications. While the process of researching, touring, and narrowing down hundreds of schools into a prioritized list or “top 10” can seem daunting enough, stress tends to spike once more ...


Support with AJ Doesn’t Stop on Graduation Day!

Imagine that your student has worked with an AJ Expert for high school and maybe even throughout middle school, and now they have officially graduated! With that comes a new level of excitement and uncertainty, this new chapter of their academic journey begins. College is a brave new world full ...


Debunking the Myths and Emphasizing the Facts

A frequently circulated notion in recent years has been the declining value of a college degree. However, a new analysis by the Institution for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) presents a contrary narrative, solidifying the importance and worth of higher education. According to this comprehensive ...

Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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