Is your student utilizing study skills?

There is nothing like that terrible feeling when your student pulls out a crumpled piece of paper from their backpack at the last minute, informing you of a test or project that you know they haven’t touched yet. Sometimes life gets busy, or a lack of study skills can set your child behind schedule. How do you approach it? Is your student armed with the study skills that they need to cram for this last-minute assignment or quiz? While we don’t recommend waiting until the last moment, sometimes there is nothing to be done about it. Thankfully, the team here at AJ Tutoring is armed with 20 years of knowledge and experience to support any student as they develop their study skills and more!

What are study skills?

Study skills are critically important to a student’s overall success! They can encompass everything from chunking their time or projects into chunks, staying organized, and learning how study effectively. Although these seem like natural skills, students often benefit from a tutor guiding them through them.

The AJ Approach

Our 1-on-1 model allows for the flexibility and customization needed to support any student at any time. Here are some examples of how our tutors can help when it comes down to the wire:

  • Drill and kill math facts and flashcards
  • Review study guides
  • Create a customized study plan
  • Show students how to take their notes and turn it into their own study guide
  • Review and revise essays with students
  • Review homework assignments for accuracy

What’s Next for Tutoring?

Once that immediate need has been met, you and your student will work with your tutor on long-term goals for tutoring. We want to reduce your student’s anxiety by arming them with the time management and study skills they need for long-term academic success. Our subject matter experts will then pair this with academic support and content review/preview. 

The Benefits of a Proactive Approach

At AJ Tutoring, we understand that emergencies happen, but we also know that consistent support is key to avoiding future stress. By building a solid foundation in study skills and executive functioning, our students learn to manage their time effectively and approach challenges with confidence. By working with one of our tutors, students won’t just be prepared for the next test or project—they’ll develop a toolkit of strategies that ensures they are always prepared! Investing in tutoring now means fewer last-minute surprises and a path toward sustained academic growth.

Looking for more information on study skills? Check out this helpful article!

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