Maybe you’ve heard about the newest private high school in the area, or maybe this is the first you’ve heard of it, either way…welcome! Cypress College Prep, a full-time school, builds on AJ Tutoring’s 19 years of success. For two decades we’ve helped students unlock their academic potential through high-quality individualized and small group instruction. Our full-time school, Cypress College Prep, builds on that foundation and is an extension of our WASC accredited and UC/CSU A-G approved partnership with High Bluff Academy. We are excited to support high school students and their families looking for an alternative to traditional public school classroom! Here are some frequently asked questions from parents and students just like you!
Q: How do labs work for physics/chemistry/biology?
A: Labs are an essential component of physics, chemistry, and biology courses. We strictly adhere to the required number of hours devoted to labs prescribed by the College Board (for AP courses) and by California state standards (for non-AP lab courses). The labs are hands-on and interactive.
Q: Does coursework transfer from another school?
A: If you have high school credit, we need an official transcript from your high school to review for possible transfer credit. We want to make sure that credits are UC A-G approved and WASC approved so that students are eligible to apply to college.
Q: My student needs to be challenged academically. What options are available?
A: Great question, we believe all students should be challenged and have options that meet their needs. On top of offering traditional Advanced Placement Courses (AP), we have two additional options. With prior approval from CCP staff, students can accelerate their coursework and graduate from high school in three years. This allows them to start their college and career path earlier. Students can also take college classes at local community colleges, earning high school and college credit at the same time.
Q: If my student takes weighted honors, an AP course, or a college course will they receive a weighted grade. For example: a 5.0 A for AP, versus a 4.0 A in non-AP?
A: Absolutely! CCP awards weighted grades for honors and AP coursework (4.5 A for honors, 5.0 A for AP).
Interested in learning more about our approach to learning? Contact us directly or reach out to an AJ Director today!