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Speed reading and the SAT

In the SAT classes I teach, our introduction to reading comprehension often begins something like this. I pose a general query to the class: “So, how many of you enjoy the reading comprehension section?” One student (out of eight) tentatively raises her hand. “Why don’t the rest ...

Greg Norman and the Science of the Choke

Consider two seemingly unrelated scenarios: 1.  A professional golfer in the prime of his career, poised to finally win his first Masters, blows his six-stroke lead. Everything begins to unravel with a bogey on the 9th hole, and he eventually loses the tournament by five strokes. 2.  A 17 ...

AP Exam Prep 2015 at AJ Tutoring

Now that it's March, AP exams are only two months away (find the complete AP exam schedule at the College Board's website).  If you're currently enrolled in an AP class, taking the AP exam in May is a great way to get college credit.  However, many colleges have upped their requirements for ...


Do Colleges Prefer the SAT or ACT? | Test Prep FAQ

One of the most common questions we get from students and parents is whether colleges prefer the SAT or the ACT.  The short answer to this question is: almost* all colleges accept both the SAT and the ACT equally for admission. The common misconception (especially in the Bay Area) is that ...

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