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How to Give Effective Praise

While giving praise to students of any age seems like an overwhelmingly positive thing, it is important that we know the best practices to effectively give praise, or it can actually backfire. Building confidence and showing an appreciation of a student’s efforts is a huge part of steady. ...


Making Learning a Foreign Language Fun!

Learning a foreign language can be a huge challenge for students. There’s vocabulary to learn, a plethora of tenses to absorb, and a whole new accent to perfect. Often, students can get lost in the minutia and details, losing engagement to the broader picture of cross-cultural connection and the ...


Are You Prepared for the SAT Physics Subject Test?

The SAT physics subject test is an hour-long algebra-based physics exam with 75 multiple-choice questions. It covers a broad range of topics, primarily: Mechanics Electricity Magnetism Waves Optics Thermodynamics Modern physics If you want to take the SAT physics ...


A Field Guide to AP and SAT Biology Tests

In junior year of high school, most students become keenly aware of the wide array of tests available for them to take, either for college admissions or for college credit. Surrounded by a whirlwind of acronyms, it is easy to assume that two tests on the same academic subject would be very. ...

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Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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