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Distance Learning: Keeping a Daily Schedule

One of the worst things about my grade school days was the mornings. I don’t think they ever went smoothly. They were chaotic and frustrating and getting out the door looked something like this: I was stressed because I lost something (a homework folder, something I printed 4 minutes earlier, ...


How to Start Strong in the Second Semester (3 Expert Tips)

It’s 2020! We at AJ Tutoring are excited to welcome in the new year and renew our mission to provide the highest quality of education to Bay Area students. No matter how last semester ended, the great thing about the academic cycle is that you get a fresh start with the arrival of a new ...


Making Use of Winter Break

To be clear, the most important purpose of winter break is just that: taking a break! After a bevy of final exams, challenging assignments, and mental exercise, you and your family deserve some time off.  That said, it is possible to get some rest and relaxation without completely ...


Educational Link Round-Up 3

1. What Does ‘Career Readiness’ Look Like in Middle School? “Not only are the jobs changing, but the very landscape they will have to navigate will be changing rapidly,” said Baker Wright, the former JFF program manager. “That’s what career training is about today, giving ...

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