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Supreme Court and Private Tutoring Strategies

Introduction The Supreme Court’s recent ruling, banning affirmative action, is set to transform the landscape of college admissions dramatically. This watershed decision signals a substantial shift in how universities across the United States will navigate the intricacies of their admissions ...


Debunking the Myths and Emphasizing the Facts

A frequently circulated notion in recent years has been the declining value of a college degree. However, a new analysis by the Institution for Higher Education Policy (IHEP) presents a contrary narrative, solidifying the importance and worth of higher education. According to this comprehensive ...


Looking Ahead to the June SAT

Soon the bells will be ringing for the final dismissal time of the 2022-23 school year! With that comes finalizing summer plans and preparing for summer standardized testing starting with the June SAT. Maybe this is your students first attempt at the exam, or their third and final retake, ...


Here Comes the SAT!

On Saturday, March 11th, students will once again be sitting down with their Number 2 pencils ready to take a giant leap towards their future. A future that a competitive SAT score will afford them. A future with more options rather than fewer, and the knowledge that they took that tangible and ...

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Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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