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Looking Ahead to the Winter Testing Season!

With the PSAT and many school dates for the SAT behind us, it is time to look ahead to the rest of the winter testing season. We still have upcoming ACT and SAT testing dates November-January, as well as most private school admissions in December & January. Whether you are applying for a ...


Digital PSAT scores: Understanding Your PSAT Score

In the era of digitization, education, and assessments are not left untouched. As we step into 2023, a new wave of change is sweeping over standardized testing with the introduction of the Digital PSAT. This transition, while momentous, raises many questions. Among them, one stands out: How do ...


Is AI Test Prep the future? Human touch still matters! – AJ Tutoring

In an increasingly digital age, the education sector has been dramatically transformed. AI-driven tools and platforms have swiftly made their way into classrooms, online courses, and, most recently, into the realm of test preparation. With the growing popularity of AI test prep tools, it begs ...


Do You Have a Standardized Test Plan in Place?

The school year is in full swing, and the standardized testing season is about to begin! With the October PSAT, SAT dates throughout the fall and spring, and eventually AP exams now is the time to get together a test taking plan! First things first, the PSAT is a practice SAT taken in October ...

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Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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