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Actively Reading the SAT Reading Test

Today’s blog post kicks off a 3-part series that contains the secret to success on the SAT. That may overstate it a bit, but make no mistake, students who take this approach to the SAT uniformly do much better on the test. Today we will be focusing on the SAT reading test. So what’s the ...


Are You Thinking about Taking the New August SAT?

If you're a high school student, the parent of a high school student, or otherwise plugged into the world of standardized testing, you've probably heard about the new August SAT that will be administered this year. Bowing to popular demand, the College Board has finally decided to give students ...


Practicing Deliberately for the SAT and ACT

Every SAT or ACT tutor is familiar with this request, which can come from students or their parents: “Can we take extra practice tests? I can come in every weekend between now and the test. Can you give me more tests to take at home?” This question comes from a good place - the student ...


3 Test Prep Material Updates Designed to Get You Results!

Here at AJ Tutoring, we are always striving to keep our test prep materials as up-to-date as possible in order to better serve and prepare our students. In order to do this, we continually audit and update our materials to make them as effective as possible. Here’s what we’re working on right ...

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Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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