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Thinking Ahead to SAT/ACT Preparation (As a Sophomore)

As a test prep tutor, I work with many juniors every year, and as an academic history and English tutor, I work with many sophomores. Many of my sophomore students and their parents have heard from friends and elder siblings that junior year is hectic, so they understandably want to get started ...


SAT vs. ACT: The 4 Main Differences

One of the most frequently asked questions from juniors in high school and their families is whether to prepare for the SAT or the ACT. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer! The optimal path depends on the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and personal preferences.  If you’d like to ...


Looking Ahead to the SAT and ACT (As a Sophomore)

As a test prep tutor, I work with many juniors every year, and as an academic history and English tutor, I work with many sophomores. Many of my sophomore students and their parents have heard from friends and elder siblings that junior year is hectic, so they understandably want to get started ...


The ACT Science Section: Busting 3 Big Myths

Myth 1: The ACT Science Section is a Test of Content Knowledge The name of the section is a bit of a misnomer: The ACT Science section does not test a student’s science knowledge. So what is it, then? The Science section is really a reading comprehension test with lots of charts,, ...

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