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What your Student Needs When They Don’t Understand the Teacher

A common complaint heard from students is “I don’t understand what the teacher is saying” or “the teacher just doesn’t explain things well.” Is it that their teacher doesn’t explain the concept well? Generally, no. Instead what usually happens is that teachers have to lecture a ...


Looking Ahead to Summer Through the Lens of Biology

Introduction Summertime often brings out joy in people. Darkness doesn’t set in until much later, and people are outside more frequently and for longer. The temperature is more suitable for enjoying ice cream, going swimming, and relaxing at the beach. Students love their carefree vacation ...


Getting a Bee in Geometry

Introduction Nothing beats the sweet reward of solving a sticky geometry question. In fact, every time I’ve given my class a challenging proof, the entire room would be abuzz. It is at times like this that I always suggest working in groups, as nothing quite compares to a hive.  ...


Keep the Learning Going!

Did you know that you can keep the learning going for your students even when you are on vacation? That’s right! Here are some helpful tips from our amazing academic team members below! Math Tutor Merylynn Valencia says make cookies together! It's okay to get messy from time to time ...

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