AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

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How to Get Started with College Essays: AJ Tutoring’s Program!

Are you not sure where or how to get started with college essays? Are you wondering what colleges are looking for? Our college essay coaches are here to help. While we're happy to make recommendations for students of all ages, rising seniors benefit the most from college essay work. Here are 5 ...


Do You Have a Standardized Test Plan in Place?

The school year is in full swing, and standardized testing season is about to begin! With the October PSAT, SAT dates throughout the fall and spring, and eventually AP exams  now is the time to get together a test taking plan! First things first, the PSAT is a practice SAT taken in October of ...


Hooray for Elementary School Reading!

Reading is a fundamental skill that forms the foundation for success in all academic subjects. However, not all children develop the skills needed to read fluently on their own. This is where 1:1 reading tutoring can help. 1:1 reading tutoring involves working individually with a student ...


What To Do With Testing Anxiety

After many colleges and universities have gone test blind or test optional, a lot of the SAT and ACT students I’ve had the pleasure of tutoring have been very driven to use a high score on these standardized tests to stand out from the ever-increasing mob of applicants each year. While having ...

Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.