AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources

Students Triumph on the Digital PSAT with AJ Tutoring’s Support

This past fall, the Digital PSAT was offered for the first time, introducing a new era in standardized testing. As students begin preparing for this dramatic change to the SAT, AJ Tutoring has been closely monitoring the transition to the Digital SAT and supporting our students through the ...


How to Keep Your Students Sharp on School Breaks!

It feels like the school year has only just begun and now we are rapidly entering the holiday season! Holidays mean more time away from the structure of the school day, and  a tendency to focus less on academics. That doesn’t mean that learning has to stop! Here are some quick and easy ways ...


Let’s Talk Private School Admissions!

Private school admissions are just around the corner, and the landscape is as fluid as college admissions these days! Thankfully, here at AJ Tutoring, we offer support in preparation for the SSAT, ISEE, and the HSPT. But our experts don’t stop there! Here at AJ we have identified the recent ...


3 Ways the Digital SAT is Different

Have you heard that the SAT is going digital? The SAT is making the switch in the spring of 2024, while students everywhere already experienced a Digital PSAT earlier this month. Many parents and students have questions about what this transition means for their test preparation and what they ...

Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.