AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources

Why you shouldn’t take test prep advice from Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson provides test prep advice you should not follow! Depending on how familiar you are with the Simpsons oeuvre, you might remember an episode where Mr. Burns decides that he needs a male heir in order to pass on his fortune.  Naturally, Homer encourages Bart to audition for the part ...


Speed reading and the SAT

In the SAT classes I teach, our introduction to reading comprehension often begins something like this. I pose a general query to the class: “So, how many of you enjoy the reading comprehension section?” One student (out of eight) tentatively raises her hand. “Why don’t the rest ...

Greg Norman and the Science of the Choke

Consider two seemingly unrelated scenarios: 1.  A professional golfer in the prime of his career, poised to finally win his first Masters, blows his six-stroke lead. Everything begins to unravel with a bogey on the 9th hole, and he eventually loses the tournament by five strokes. 2.  A 17 ...


K-8 Academic Tutoring and Study Skills Support

Success in school depends on your study skills. Continue reading to learn how our study skills tutors can get you results. As our practice has expanded in recent years to include more Elementary and Middle school students, we've become increasing sensitive to the challenges that surround ...

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Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.