AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources

Educational Link Round-Up 5

1. What College Admissions Offices Really Want “Elite schools say they’re looking for academic excellence and diversity. But their thirst for tuition revenue means that wealth trumps all.” 2. Elementary Reading Strategies That Really Work “We know that learning how ...


Making Use of Winter Break

To be clear, the most important purpose of winter break is just that: taking a break! After a bevy of final exams, challenging assignments, and mental exercise, you and your family deserve some time off.  That said, it is possible to get some rest and relaxation without completely ...


Six Reasons to Learn Chemistry (Even if You Don’t Want To)

At AJ Tutoring, we have the privilege to work with many students every year who are engaging with chemistry concepts for the first time. Some are enthused while others are less so. Getting students to see the beauty and order in chemistry is our greatest joy.  If you’d like to learn ...


Educational Link Round-Up 4

1. College Board Backtracks on ‘Adversity Score’ “The College Board abandoned its plan to capture the socioeconomic profile of students with a single score, opting instead to provide admission officers with bulleted information about a student's high school and neighborhood and make ...

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