AJ Tutoring blog - The Learning Curve

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources

Actively Reading the SAT Reading Test

Today’s blog post kicks off a 3-part series that contains the secret to success on the SAT. That may overstate it a bit, but make no mistake, students who take this approach to the SAT uniformly do much better on the test. Today we will be focusing on the SAT reading test. So what’s the ...


In Defense of the Thesis Statement

If your student has had a hard time writing essays, whether for history or English class, the difficulty often comes from one single sentence: the thesis statement. A lot is riding on the thesis statement. Most teachers (and AP exam graders) expect the thesis statement to do many things well: ...


How to Study Science: The Art of Understanding Tough Topics

We were all students once, so we all remember the much-dreaded or much-anticipated “science class.” The suffixes “-ology” and “-istry” still haunt some of us to this day. You may have blocked them out, but remember these conversations? “Did you cram for that terminology quiz? ...


Math Tips from a Calculus Tutor

Today we welcome Cory Sweet, veteran math tutor and South Bay calculus department head, to our blog! Cory is sharing his top three math tips for success in any math class, from algebra 1 all the way up through AP calculus and beyond.     Math Tip #1: Show your work! (No mental! ...

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