Lyrical Literature

Most of the songs that you hear on the radio aren’t exactly comparable to Hemingway, but last year the Nobel Prize in Literature went to a musician. What’s up with that?

Locations: Menlo Park, Woodside, San Carlos, San Mateo

Cost: $100/hr.

Recommended hours: 4-10


  • Identify lyrical techniques, such as metaphor and rhyme scheme
  • Discuss, analyze, and write about music from both a phonaesthetic and poetic perspective
  • Develop argumentative writing that incorporates lyrical analysis

To Enroll Call (650) 331-3251 / (408) 345–5200


Course Description:

The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2016 went to Bob Dylan “for having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.” In this course, we will explore the works of Dylan and more, taking a critical eye and ear to both their musical qualities and poetic lyrics. Through this course, students will develop a deeper understanding of and respect for complex and nuanced songs.

Many students find poetry to be difficult to understand, so this course will use music to create a more accessible approach and give students skills and tools which will help them with their interpretation and understanding of poetry. The course is designed to be flexible and allow students to center the course around their own musical interests while developing critical thinking and analytic skills. Our work will culminate in a written piece about a song of the students choosing, incorporating lyrical and musical analysis to build an argument about the song’s meaning. Though this class is not a primer for any specific course, the skills gained though this course can be applied to AP English Literature or Language.

Make the Most of the Summer!

Students who stay actively engaged in the learning process during the summer perform better during the school year.

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