Computer science tutoring

AJ’s one-on-one computer science tutors will give your student a crucial advantage in this fast-paced and detail-orientated subject.

Customized computer science tutoring.



We typically meet with students for 90 minutes a week, but are also happy to meet on a shorter-term basis to help in a particular area of computer science or to help prepare for a major test or project.



Our tutors always tailor their sessions to your needs, either by supplementing the material being covered in class, or by developing our own curricula and assignments.



We work with computer science students at their pace, fill-in content gaps and make sure they have mastery of the computer science content, which helps position students for future success.

We’d love to discuss your student’s computer science tutoring needs!


Computer Science Tutoring Bay Area


AP computer science

AP Computer Science is one of the most challenging courses offered at the high-school level, but it also presents an unequaled opportunity: no high-school class offers better preparation for a career in programming or computer engineering. Our Computer Science tutors can help your student maximize this opportunity. Our science tutors will also make sure your student is fully prepared for the AP Computer Science Exam.



We're local!

Our computer science team is familiar with every AP comp science teacher and class from San Mateo to San Jose


Find the AJ Tutoring location near you



Are you struggling with Computer Science?

Our experts can teach you programming from scratch or help you excel in your high school or college class. We’ll demystify commonly used algorithms, teach you to debug solutions in Java, help you gain fluency with standard data structures and design, and enhance your ability to implement and analyze solutions to problems. Our tutors are standing by to share their love of programming.


Meet Our Computer Science Team

Computer science languages and classes we tutor

AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science Principles

Our work begins or conventional classroom education ends.

Get help with computer science today!

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