World history tutoring

We'll help you engage with the record of all human development.


World history tutoring that works

Our team can help!

In world history, memorizing names and dates won’t be enough. Let our passionate tutors, knowledgeable in world history, show you how to identify and evaluate the far-reaching relationships among events and movements.

Get in touch to discuss world history tutoring




When you hear an interesting idea or learn something relevant to your life, you gain a new appreciation for the world. We want to help you engage with ideas and learn how to organize your thinking so that you’ll succeed for years to come.


AP World History

Academic Tutoring

AP World History students gain insight into the development of relationships among peoples and nations in six distinct historical periods, from the earliest societies circa 8000 B.C.E. to the globalized world of the twenty-first century. Your AJ tutor can elucidate recurring themes, act as a debating partner, help you craft written arguments and more as you dive into the last 800 years of human history at the college level.

Contact us to get help with AP World History

AP Test Prep

On the AP exam, students answer a combination of multiple choice, short answer, and two essay questions in which they must draw connections and highlight common themes across 10,000 years of human history.

Exam time: 3 hours and 15 minutes

Our AP World History coaches are familiar with the curriculum at your local high school and have an in-depth understanding of the AP exam. We help you review core content and show you how to demonstrate your knowledge of world history on the AP exam.

Learn more about our AP test prep program

Students love AJ Tutoring.

"The tutoring really sets you up with a great learning environment, anything from snacks to accommodating tutors, it's all there."

Meet some of our world history tutors.

"My students are equal partners in this effort to make their education more rewarding." View More

Kavya Ramanan

Academic Tutor

Offices Served:

"I am skilled at helping students break down difficult ideas into more manageable concepts..." View More

David Massey

Client Services Director and Tutor

Offices Served:

"I am drawn to US History tutoring because of the opportunity to work one-on-one with students." View More

Matthew Downhour

Client Services Director and Tutor

Offices Served:

"Tutoring offers a unique opportunity to build a one-on-one rapport with my students, which I use to View More

Megan MacInnes

Test Prep and Academic Tutor

Offices Served:

Los Gatos (Los Gatos Boulevard)

Our history team is dedicated to your success.

We're here to help you understand not only the "what" but the "why" behind what you are learning in World History.

Tutor Headshot
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