1-on-1 academic enrichment tutoring programs for students

Our (ACE) Academic Core Enrichment tutoring programs help students elevate their reading, writing, math, and study skills, with each student matched to a personal enrichment tutor for success!


Level-up with Academic Core Enrichment (ACE) programs

Our 1-on-1 academic enrichment tutoring courses are offered at all AJ Tutoring locations (and online with an enrichment tutor) and provide students with specific strategies and skills to elevate their academic performance in a variety of subjects.

Enroll in an enrichment tutoring course and make quick progress in core academic skills! Our ACE courses are ideal for students who:

  • Are struggling with core academic skills and want to fill gaps in their knowledge
  • Want enrichment tutoring opportunities outside of what school can provide
  • Hope to “jump a lane” at school and need to build core academic skills in order to successfully make that transition
  • Experienced “learning loss” due to school disruptions and are looking for ways to make up that deficit.

Contact us to learn more about these academic enrichment courses

Boost core academic success with stand-alone English, math, and study skills enrichment programs with a personal tutor near you!

Our core accelerated learning programs provide the foundation of your student's educational success

Study Skills

Building study and organizational skills is crucial to success in school and beyond — learn how to learn. 

English Tutoring

From composition to vocabulary, students’ core writing skills benefit most from targeted practice.

 Math Tutoring

Students learn the core math skills and strategies that underlie everything from Kindergarten to Calculus.


Academic enrichment programs FAQs

What kinds of students benefit from ACE personalized academic enrichment tutoring?

  • Students who want to prepare for more advanced coursework
  • Students who want to identify and fill in content gaps
  • Students who tend to do well on homework but struggle on tests
  • Students who want to build confidence and speed in their coursework


Who teaches these courses?

Your student will work 1-on-1 with an enrichment tutor who is not only an experienced subject matter expert, but who has also been specially trained to guide you through our academic enrichment courses.

How does this differ from your regular academic tutoring?

While academic tutoring supports students with their school coursework, academic enrichment courses use 100% AJ Tutoring materials to help students build skills in a predetermined number of sessions.

How long are enrichment tutoring classes? What is the time commitment?

The number of sessions is determined by students’ performance on the initial assessment, but typically ranges from 4.5 to 9 hours of instructional time with an enrichment tutor and 30-90 minutes of homework each week.

Are there any prerequisites for Academic Core Enrichment programs?

No prerequisites! Each of our programs starts with a diagnostic assessment that allows us to determine your student’s unique strengths and areas for growth.

When can students start the program?

All of our academic enrichment programs are built around your schedule and can begin at any time.

Let’s discuss your student!

Whether your student is in kindergarten or starting college, we have an enrichment tutor to help them elevate their core academic skills.

Tutor Headshot

Accrediting Commission for Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
533 Airport Blvd, Ste 200, Burlingame, CA 94010
Accredited for Grades K-12

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