AJ Tutoring Video Thumbnail Happy SAT test prep students, Matht utoring students, College Counseling students

Back To School 2024-25 – Parent Night Webinar Overview

The school year has started and student are busy with new schedules, new teachers, new courses, and new schools. At AJ Tutoring, we’ve spent the past 20 years helping take the stress out of education by teaching content and study skills, and connecting with students in a supportive enviornment.

You’ll walk out of this Back To School 2024-25 Parent Night Webinar with a solid understanding of:

  • What you can do to help your student suceed during the start of the school year
  • How private tutoring can help you student get ahead and stay ahead
  • How AJ Tutoring approaches tutoring.

We’ve worked with thousands of Elemetary, Middle and High School students. Come benefit from our experience and learn how we can help you and and your student!


Back To School 2024-25 Webinar Speaker

Patrick Hennes

Title: Senior Director at AJ Tutoring

Patrick earned his BA in Politcal science at the University of California Davis. Comming from a long line of educators and with over 20 years of experience, tutoring, managing and educating at AJ Tutoring, he has the right experience to know what students need to suceed at all stages of their education and throughout the academic school year.

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