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I graduated from the University of San Francisco, where I majored in history with a focus on ancient Christian civilization: Rome and the Ancient Near East (Egypt and Mesopotamia). Before joining AJ Tutoring, I was an educational instructor at the Hiller Aviation Museum where I loved to share my passion for aircraft history and flight.

Since adolescence, I have been fixated on historical and literary subjects. I was fascinated by the autobiographies of World War II fighter pilots and tankers, and whether I was reading a science fiction novel or a nonfiction history book, I relished the opportunity to carefully examine and understand the perspectives of the author. 

As a history and English tutor, I enjoy sharing my passions and helping students build their skills. It can take many years to develop strong writing skills, and I understand how frustrating it can be. In high school, I was often described as a messy writer, but through years of hard work, I made a determined effort to become a more structured and clearer writer. These are now skills that I hope to impart to each student that I work with. I prioritize making sure that my students never leave a session feeling unprepared, and so I work to create a plan of action and help students utilize all available resources.

When I’m not tutoring, my focus is on martial arts training: I am a blue belt in Brazilian jiu-jitsu and train in wrestling. I also teach and train middle school and high school athletes to build their skills and prepare them for competition.


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