Linear Patterns and Puzzles

Use visual patterns and real-life puzzles to learn the most fundamental concept of Algebra I: linear equations. Develop a strong understanding of y = mx + b with engaging patterns and puzzles, which we will explore using multiple different media!

Locations: Los Gatos, Saratoga

Cost: $100/hr.

Recommended hours: 8


  • Represent linear equations visually and in real-world contexts
  • Learn data types and how to distinguish them
  • Develop a strong understanding of y = mx + b with engaging patterns and puzzles
  • Explore multiple representations such as tables, graphs, equations, real-world situations, drawings, color, posters, and movement.
  • Preview and/or reinforce the “why” and “how” of this fundamental algebraic idea

To Enroll Call (650) 331-3251 / (408) 345–5200


Course Description:

Use visual patterns and real-life puzzles to learn the most fundamental concept of Algebra I: linear equations. While many students find this complex concept challenging to understand, there are a variety of ways in which linear equations can be represented visually and in real-world contexts.

In this class, we will develop a strong understanding of y = mx+b with engaging patterns and puzzles, which students will explore using tables, graphs, equations, real-world situations, drawings, color, posters and movement.

This class is designed for kinesthetic and visual learners (that’s most of us!) who would like to dive into the “why” and “how” of fundamental algebraic ideas. The content we will cover is appropriate for students currently enrolled in Pre-Algebra or Algebra I who would like to preview upcoming material and/or strengthen their understanding of previously covered topics. Have fun with patterns and puzzles during four two-hour sessions and bring math to life!

Make the Most of the Summer!

Students who stay actively engaged in the learning process during the summer perform better during the school year.

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