ISEE tutoring and test prep

Our ISEE tutors are dedicated to helping students improve test scores, and our ISEE test prep courses are designed to get results.

How does ISEE test prep work?

ISEE Test Prep Tutoring Sessions

ISEE tutors typically meet with students for nine to twelve 60-minute sessions. For homework, we assign a mix of 45-minute assignments and full-length ISEE practice tests. We offer extended test prep for those needing additional support.

ISEE Prep Course Content

Our ISEE preparation course covers test-taking skills and ISEE content, including question interpretation, guessing strategy, time management, and fundamental reading and math concepts.

ISEE Practice Materials

Our ISEE practice materials reflect the current content and best strategies on the ISEE test. Your student will benefit from materials that focus on the most important content and effective testing strategies.


What is the ISEE test?

(Independent School Entrance Exam)

The ISEE is an admissions test required by private middle schools and private high schools.

The ISEE has three levels:

  1. Lower Level exam: for students in fifth grade and below applying to private middle schools (2 hours and 20 minutes)
  2. Middle Level exam: for students in sixth or seventh grade applying to private middle schools (2 hours and 40 minutes)
  3. Upper Level exam: for students in eighth grade or above applying to private high schools (2 hours and 40 minutes).
    All students applying for ninth grade and above will take the Upper Level ISEE test.

The content of the ISEE tests includes synonyms, sentence completions, reading comprehension, and math. There is an essay section that is not included in ISEE test scores but is sent to the prospective school as a sample of the student’s writing.

Talk to an expert about ISEE test prep tutoring!

We help you help your student.

Knowing how best to support your student is difficult. We have years of experience with your local school, spend countless hours training gifted instructors, and make communication with you a priority. We are your best resource for ISEE test prep courses.



Bay Area schools that require or accept the ISEE test:

The high achool admissions requirments of local schools such as: Castilleja School (Palo Alto), Menlo (Atherton), Woodside Priory (Portola Valley), Pinewood (Los Altos), Harker (San Jose), Kehillah Jewish High School (Palo Alto), Drew (San Francisco), The Nueva School, Lick-Wilmerding (San Franciso), Branson (Marin Co.), Belmont Oaks (Belmont), and Marin Academy (San Rafael) are com,plex and subject to change year by year. We recommend visiting the schools’s websites and talking with one of our midddle and high school entrance exam coaches for up-to-date information on application requirments.

Talk to a director about ISEE tutoring near you

ISEE test prep students love AJ Tutoring.

"AJ Tutoring is the most efficient and effective way to learn. What helped me the most was having a patient and friendly tutor. I loved how my tutor would always go step-by-step with me or demonstrate something on the whiteboard until I got it. I improved dramatically–now I’m a pro!"

Frequently asked questions about the ISEE (FAQs)

How do I register for the ISEE test?

You can register for the ISEE test on the ERB Website

What ISEE test scores are considered “good?”

Stanines 7-8 are considered “above average,” stanines 4-6 are considered “average,” and stanines 1-3 are considered “below average.”

It is important to remember that the ISEE norm group is a highly competitive group! Your student is being compared to all the other students in the same grade who are taking this test for admission into independent schools, some of which can be the most selective schools in the country.

It’s difficult to say what schools consider a “good” score, as there are many factors in admissions, especially grades and family connections.

Does AJ Tutoring's ISEE test prep focus on both content and testing strategies?

Yes. The ISEE is designed to evaluate students on their understanding of information that they learn in school, but it is still a standardized test.  Our ISEE tutoring and prep courses help students review content such as fundamental math concepts, reading strategies, and grammar while at the same time coaching students on timing tactics, elimination tricks, and other test-taking skills.

Who produces the ISEE and where can I find more information about the test?

The ISEE is produced by the Educational Record Bureau (ERB). The Educational Records Bureau (ERB), the producer of the ISEE, offers a free downloadable guide entitled What to Expect on the ISEE for each level of the exam it administers. If you want to dive into the thick of concepts tested, we strongly recommend downloading the guide.

Test-maker ERB’s website

How do I interpret my ISEE test scores?

Each section of the ISEE test will receive a raw score, scaled score, percentile rank, and a stanine. Many schools look primarily at the stanine.

Stanine Chart

Percentile Stanine
1-3 1
4-10 2
11-22 3
23-39 4
40-59 5
60-76 6
77-88 7
89-95 8
96-99 9

What is the format of the ISEE exam?

Timetable and Analysis of the ISEE

(LL=Lower Level, UL=Upper Level)

Section and Content Minutes Allotted Number of Questions
  • Verbal Reasoning
20  LL: 34

UL: 40

Synonyms (UL and LL)
Sentence Completions (UL)
  • Quantitative Reasoning
35 LL: 38

UL: 37

Understanding and application of concepts measured by Problem Solving and Quantitative Comparisons portions
  • Reading Comprehension
LL: 25

UL: 35 

LL: 25

UL: 36

 Six 300-word passages and questions
  • Mathematics Achievement

Concepts in arithmetic

UL includes algebra, geometry

LL: 30

UL: 40 

LL: 30

UL: 47


Five-paragraph essay prompt

30 minutes

Meet some of our ISEE tutors.

Michelle Brown
K-8 Director, Test Prep & Academic Tutor
Subjects Tutored:
College Application Essays, ACT, PSAT, SAT, K-12 Private School Interview, Writing Sample, and Applications ...
Office Location:
Los Altos (Fremont Ave)

"I enjoy creating an enriching and educational experience for my students."

Learn More
Merylynn Valencia
San Mateo Office Director, Social Outreach Director, Test Prep & Academic Tutor
Subjects Tutored:
ACT, PSAT, SAT, K-12 Private School Interview, Writing Sample, and Applications, Star Assessment ...
Office Location:
San Mateo

"I use my passion for learning as a tool to help students find understanding and enthusiasm within their courses."

Learn More
Matthias Fisseha
Burlingame Office Director, Test Prep & Academic Tutor
Subjects Tutored:
ACT, PSAT, SAT, K-12 Private School Interview, Writing Sample, and Applications, Star Assessment ...
Office Location:

"I loved being able to help students improve their math skills."

Learn More

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Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

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